Sunday, May 31, 2009


Ty * April said...

You have such cute kids anyway, but those are beautiful pictures. I love the one with the hat. Way Cute!

Danielle O. said...

We can't wait to see you guys soon! You are all we are talking about these days and I hope that you won't mind if I steal Nathan! He is way too cute!

Trisha said...

Ali what a beautiful family, holy cow your boys are so big! Little Nathan isn't so little anymore. I love the pictures. I really need to call you one of these days and get caught up. How are you? Can you believe we are almost the wives of residents? Woo Hoo! No more being the wife of interns!

The Cobells said...

Oh my gosh, his hair is so so cute. I love his Big eyes. So I found your blog from Trisha's blog. This is Kaylene, from Utah. It looks like you guys are having a great time.