Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful time for Christmas this year with just our little family. It is nice to just stay home. But, we really miss all of our extended family! It was great to see some of you on skype. Thanks for all the gifts and Christmas wishes!
Congrats Danny and Amanda! We look forward to visiting in June for the wedding!

(Does anyone else do Christmas jumps or is it an Owen family original?)

Making Gingerbread houses.

Making cookies for Santa.

Snow Days

We have already had 4 snow days this school year. The boys love playing in the snow, sledding and shoveling (I hope that lasts a long time). Connor shovels the walkway without being asked. We often see deer in our yard but this was the first buck that we have seen.

Christmas Tree

Cutting down our Christmas tree was quite a struggle this year (thanks to a very dull saw) but we had fun! We got a beautiful blue spruce and the sharp needles proved to be pretty 'Nathan proof'. The only ornament he kept pulling off was the minature nutcracker.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

End of summer...back to school

A haircut for Nathan!

First Day of School!

End of summer excursion to the Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City, MI. The boys' new favorite place.